
Melding our unique EtonHouse inquiry approach together with our robust and dynamic curriculum, we developed our very own Chinese Speech and Drama programme, specifically catered to our need to continually challenge mindsets and ignite the joy of learning.

Having conducted classes for more than 3000 children in over 25 schools, our teachers provides children with a range of interactive approaches to learning languages. We want our children to truly enjoy drama, nurture a love for Mandarin while strengthening competency in the language.


Channel your child’s inner creativity and charisma as they explore the Chinese language and literature. Gain confidence, expand the vocabulary bank and have immense fun as we dive into popular stories and folklore. Using literary classics, songs and games, children experience character roles, solve difficulties, adapt plots, and even make their own props!

Learning objectives

"It's really having a peace of mind and the confidence knowing that our children are truly enjoying and learning in such authentic ways. I could tell from the way they came back after the class that they were still beaming with excitement and were so very proud of the props they have created. It's heartening to see how our children are able to develop the skills required to express themselves more confidently!"
natalie loh, Principal